Preliminary Analysis of Management Master’s Students English Needs_ Considerations for ESP Problem Based Course Design Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Teaching english literature in an E.F.L situation Sample lesson for First Year University Students. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Stress Errors Committed by Yemeni University Students of English Language_ Common Errors Reasons and Solutions Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Project Work as an Integrated Approach to Teaching Language Content and Skills in EFL Textbooks (A Survey of the Algerian Middle School EFL Teachers’ Perceptions) Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Students' and Teachers’ Opinions about the Effect of Integrating Asynchronous E-learning on Students’ Motivation in English Language Classrooms Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Self-Confidence and Language Teaching_ a Psychological Outlook Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Rethinking the Employability of EFL Learners_ Perspectives and Solutions Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Students’ Attitudes to Secondary School Reading Texts of ESP Aspects Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards British and American English Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Teachers’ Oral Feedback Impact on EFL Students’ Oral Proficiency. Case of Undergraduate Classes of the English Branch at MKU of Biskra. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Secondary Education English Final Exam Teaching and Testing Controversies_ Third year Students Bechar Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Teaching common core English in ESP classes_ a Way to Promote Translation as a Learning Tool Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Parliamentary Activity during the English Reformation (1529-1571) Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)